SIGGRAPH 2017コース Physically Based Shading in Theory and Practiceの資料が公開開始になっています(この記事執筆時点ではすべてが公開されているわけではありません).
SIGGRAPH 2017 Course: Physically Based Shading in Theory and Practice
- Real-Time Line- and Disk-Light Shading (Eric Heitz and Stephen Hill)
- Physically Based Shading at DreamWorks Animation (Feng Xie and Jon Lanz)
- Volumetric Skin and Fabric Shading at Framestore (Nathan Walster)
- Practical Multilayered Materials in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (Michał Drobot)
- Pixar’s Foundation for Materials: PxrSurface and PxrMarschnerHair (Christophe Hery and Junyi Ling)
- Revisiting Physically Based Shading at Imageworks (Christopher Kulla and Alejandro Conty)